
English Program




























子どもたちの未来への羽ばたきが、日本だけでなく、世界を視野に入れることは必須です。英語を話せることを目標にするのではなく、日本人として世界に羽ばたいていって欲しい! 幼児期の英語との親しみは、必ずや大きな財産になると信じます。事実、卒園生達から園での経験が「留学」や「海外での活動」に大変役に立ったという嬉しい連絡は幾つも届いています。もちろん、卒園後の本人の努力なくして実を結ぶことはなかったでしょう。ただその種を園でそっと植えてあげたい、そう願うばかりです。




For more than 30 years, playing in English “at early childhood when children are most responsive to sounds” has been an important aspect at Suganaga Gakuen. Currently, there are 8 full-time foreign teachers, and all students are exposed to English and have opportunities to play with the teachers daily.


I believe language is acquired through everyday activities rather than “teaching” and “learning”. It is acquired subconsciously through interactions…… that’s what I think of as “live language” (ikita kotoba). Is it too much to hope that children learn English as “live language”? Is it a “dream” unless you go overseas?
Offering first steps toward “Live English” (ikita eigo) is the aim of the English program at Suganaga. The very first step is to have students exposed to hearing native-level  English rather than have them speak the language. I want students to hear live English of English speakers, and see their facial expressions and gestures which cannot be offered by recorded and mechanical English. Ideally, through “play” (asobi) rather than “study” (benkyo).


For learners, it may start as a chain of sounds that they can’t understand, but as the sounds become more familiar and associated with meaning, slowly they will start making sense as “language” (kotoba). Then gradually, “study” will follow.


Now English is compulsory at elementary schools. However, I’m afraid that once-a-week “study” may lead to “English dislike” (eigo girai). Language is language when it is close to one-self on one’s daily life.
There are people who are against teaching English from early childhood. They argue “Mother language should come first”, “is it possible to learn English before mastering Kokugo?”, etc. They may have points, but look at the world. Fortunately or not, there are people who have no choice but to acquire multiple languages. That is why many people in Europe are multi-lingual and they are the ones who hold important positions inside and outside of their native countries.


The world is getting smaller and smaller. At this very moment, thousands of people are moving here and there around the world.  As we have seen in recent years, a sudden drop in the economy of one country can have repercussions all over the world. In order to complete in an increasingly globalized work force, children need to be exposed to people of different cultures and languages. I believe that being close to English from early childhood will be a great asset in their future. In fact, we get a lot of feedback from our graduates that the English program at Suganaga has been helpful and useful for studying and living overseas. Needless to say, they must have worked hard with guardians’ support, but I hope we can plant the seeds of potentiality at Suganaga Gakuen.


We offer three different programs for each grade based on the amount of time interacting with foreign teachers.
The “Regular Program” has one period (25 minutes) of English class daily to have students become accustomed to English. Although, the English time is limited to 1 period, the classes are daily and the students are surrounded by English atmosphere outside the classroom.
Students in the “English Program” have a well-balanced daily curriculum in which almost a half of it is carried out by English teachers and the other by Japanese teachers.
In the “Bilingual Program”, which is Suganaga’s flagship program, students spend most of the day with foreign teachers, with everyday instructions given in English.
When applying, please choose a program that meets your “ideals” and “principles”.



We often receive questions such as “How well will my kid speak English after 3 years?”.  But please think about it. Even among adults, there are talkative people and reticent people. Don’t reserved people understand the language? That is not true. There must be many writers and scholars who have brilliant ideas, but are reticent in their day-to-day interactions. Please take a long-term view of your child’s future instead of a short-term goal.


However, I can promise this much. Within a year, students in the Bilingual Program will show appropriate reactions to instructions given in English by foreign homeroom teachers.



by Yasushi Shimazaki

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